Is there light at the end of the tunnel?

Hopefully, it’s only going to be a matter of time before the self-seeking, trump-et blows himself into oblivion – and not us.

Let us pray that when this happy time comes, it occurs before this blithering and deranged idiot can do more damage to America’s reputation.

His statements – if these can even be deemed as such – are hardly those of an educated / cultured person.    And, what self-respecting person would consider a ‘tweet’ an appropriate way for a head of state to communicate his views?

Unfortunately, his sound-bite approach is a sad reflection of much of today’s attention-challenged society in which so many people, with an incredibly limited vocabulary, are also unable to articulate clearly.   Speaking an intelligible sentence is often beyond their capability.

Donald Trump is such an embarrassment that I fail to understand how so many more Americans don’t cringe visibly every time he opens his mouth.  Mind you, a lot do;  it’s just that his hard-core supporters – many of whom are still filling his coffers – fall into the category of imbeciles.

Well, what else can you call them…  ???

And, frighteningly, they have votes.