Fake News…

I’m going to be making a HUGE effort in the future to cut back on my rants about the lunatic currently running the USA.  This is because I’ve been re-reading ‘The Science of Getting Rich’ (Wallace Wattles).  To be elaborated upon in another post.

However …

Repressive regimes world-wide must be rejoicing at the continual attacks that the current, deranged occupant of the WH keeps making against anyone who criticises him – and his actions.  Which, as I have mentioned previously, is a bit bloody rich coming from someone who has mastered the technique of deliberately sowing confusion and who has also taken the ‘art’ of lying to new low depths.

Mind you, with so much misinformation about nowadays it behoves all of us to check our sources.  We also need to remember that much of what we see on TV / the internet is usually carefully edited and doesn’t necessarily show the full picture (pun not intended).

Ditto likewise for what we read in hard copy;  whatever happened to reporters who used to check their sources before sending anything through to print..??

Wouldn’t it be great, though, if even just for one day, the current ‘enemy of the (American) people’ refused to publish anything that this wanna-be dictator tweeted or issued through normal press channels..??  Wonder if he’d still complain about ‘fake news’ if there was nothing to report??

Oh well, Inga, dream on.  Maybe soon, I’ll look up and see those little piggies flying across the sky… 