Free markets – yeah right… !!

What an idiot..!!

For once, I’m not talking about the jackass in the White House.  Although – see later on in this post..

What on earth was he thinking?  If he really does mean what he says, then he has just confirmed to a great part of the American population (not to mention the rest of the world) just how bigoted and nasty the Republican Party can be..  Perhaps showing their true colours;  right-wing dictatorship anyone…??

For someone who could be supposed to believe in the concept of a free market, fancy trying to use your political status as a weapon to threaten a company that employs a hell of a lot of people in your state.  The NRA’s stance on gun control checks is absolutely unbelievable and you are whingeing about the loss of a travel discount – really..??  On which planet are all you morons living…???

Casey Cagle;  you are a disgrace and an embarrassment.  Such a wanker..  Let’s hope enough of the Georgia electorate scupper his attempts to become Governor of their state..

I despair.  Truly..

And now back to bloody Donald Trump.

Using the guise of the Republican banner, Donald Trump has managed to unite some of the worst (most extreme) of their adherents under a thinly-disguised veil of patriotism..  Patriotism – ha..!!  More like, let’s go back to the slave-trade days and see who’s the ‘massa’ now…

I also wonder if that hate-spewing bitch – Rosemary Pennington – and yes, this is an insult to female animals that are known by this term – is still publishing her crap.  OMG..   If anyone is sub-human, it is she..

However – and it is just a thoughtette – supposing she doesn’t really exist…??  Supposing ‘she’ is just an troll (or whatever the term nowadays might be for a non-existent persona)..  And, as such is really part of the ‘fake news’ phenomenon so beloved of the prick in the White House (who, incidentally, is one of the biggest purveyors of fake news around)…

All you need is love…

Oh how true;  if only we humans really understood what love is, then the world would surely be a happier place..

Valentine’s Day is once again upon us and ‘love is in the air’.  Sad to say, though, most of what we see, hear and read about with regard to Valentine’s Day is really nothing more than marketing hype – promoted largely by retailers;  any excuse to improve their bottom line.    Not to mention that much of the time, this ‘love’ is actually the narrower, carnal desire that is so often no more than base, sexual attraction – disguised as ‘romantic’..  No wonder so many relationships go wrong;  and these are just those that have their foundation on lust..

People are conned into spending money unnecessarily – all in the name of – ahem – love and romance – and a lot of the human race is made to feel inadequate if they’re alone and / or their relationship isn’t the idyllic state of affairs portrayed by great swathes of the media.

However, nowadays, I’m so unaffected by all the hype – and really contented to feel this way – at last…

I look back with some incredulity to all those years I spent hoping for a really romantic gesture from the current ‘squeeze’ – when I had one, that is. …  What bliss it is to feel virtually immune to the love ‘bug’ and treat 14th-February as just another day – albeit one to avoid restaurants and other venues promoting ‘happy’ couples;  although I did treat myself to a lovely, gooey, chocolate cup-cake for breakfast…  🙂

Not that love is an emotion that should be scorned.

Far from it.

We humans could all do with really loving each other – in the true sense of the word – see first paragraph.  However, having said this, I have to be honest and say that yours truly doesn’t really know / understand what real love is and I don’t suppose that many of us do either.  Hence all the crap masquerading as love and currently affecting the planet on this day in such a crass format..

Oh well…

Happy Valentine’s Day..   🙂