Far From The Madding Crowd…

Taking a (temporary) break from lambasting you-know-who..!!!

Reading for pleasure is something I still do from time to time; all the while trying not to feel guilty about neglecting the other stuff that needs attention.

Still, a few of those ‘lighter-weight’ authors do come up with some absolute nuggets from time to time – as well as more heavy-hitters like Taylor Caldwell.

M C Beaton often puts interesting quotes at the beginning of the chapters in her Hamish MacBeth series, Rita Mae Brown has had me delving back in time to look at the American Constitution and last (although not least), Lilian Jackson Braun recently had me running for my late father’s Royal Readers books to check out something one of her characters (Jim Qwilleran) had said. (The Cat Who Saw Stars)…

Anyway – and I’m ashamed to admit that I didn’t know this – the title of Thomas Hardy’s book ‘Far From The Madding Crowd’ was influenced by a line in Thomas Gray’s ‘Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard’ – written over a century before.

One lives and learns.. 🙂

(Mind you, it doesn’t take much to plunge down rabbit holes; oh, the hours I waste on the internet looking up miscellaneous bits of information that only just occasionally are actually useful).

One of Disgusting Donald’s Biggest Heists yet .. ??? Stiffing The American Tax-Payer – again

He isn’t merely content to make frequent weekend trips down to his Mar-a-Lago ‘estate’ and spurious visits to his properties overseas (in the guise of international relations – ha!). 

If recent headlines are indeed accurate, DD’s latest potential scam that might be inflicted against the American population is the bill for his inauguration.  As yet – unpaid – after nearly three years.. 

Will he actually cough up?  Or try to palm it off onto the long-suffering tax-payers – some of whom, of course, LOVE him SO much**.  What excuse will he use this time to avoid settling a bill that, with the exception of accepted publicly-funded expenses, is usually mostly paid for from donations et al – by the newly-elected President’s supporters..?

The sad thing is that his hard-core base doesn’t wish to believe that THEY’LL be included in those getting stiffed by this sad caricature and pathetic travesty of a leader.  (Who tweets verbiage constantly instead of actually governing and, whose command of the English language and grammar sucks beyond belief.  Who behaves like a petulant child when facts get in the way of his myopic belief system and who fires those whose opinions differ from his (he’d probably really prefer to shoot the messengers– see next paragraph). 

Makes me seriously wonder if, deep down, he doesn’t really actually admire fatso in North Korea (an absolute dictator who brooks no opposition) and the wannabe Commissar Putin – who, is almost as bad. 

And when there are total idiots like Marc Thiessen who really ought to know better – a journalist who, despite a lot of evidence to the contrary, persists in defending this deluded pond life’s policies and by default, his persona – I really despair for the future of the United States.

**  Have just read that some of these deranged morons (well what else can you call them?) donated an eye-raising amount towards his next election campaign – WTF??

Adieu 2018 – The Disaster that is Donald

(I actually had written most of this at the end of 2017 and never got around to posting it;  however, some of what I wrote then is still relevant today – sadly..)

And, what a year that was … !!!

As we begin 2019, the world continues to be in turmoil – reeling from political blunders to natural disasters – although how much mankind has contributed to these latter events is definitely a moot point.  While I do not profess to understand in detail what global warming / climate change is all about, there can surely be no doubt that humans’ actions nowadays are certainly exacerbating – and accelerating certain weather conditions, thus affecting the earth’s eco-system adversely.

There is so much anger around that it’s frightening.  Still, if like a lanced boil, all the ‘stuff’ that is erupting and coming to the surface can be dealt with and cleansed, hopefully healing can take place and mankind can start to move forward to a more peaceful existence.  (Having said this, I’m not holding my breath…)

One example from last year;  the ♯metoo movement.  Ironic that this should happen during the tenure of quite possibly the most chauvinistic, misogynistic president to have ever occupied the White House.  Sure, there’ve been other very badly-behaved presidents when it comes to sex (think Bill Clinton for starters).  However, while their behaviour was pretty appalling, they – outwardly – at least weren’t quite so openly denigrating about / towards women.

However, I’m somewhat inclined to agree with Brigitte Bardot.  It is one thing to have a genuine grievance against a bully who used / uses his status to demand sexual favours from an aspirant (in whatever field).  It is quite another to cry ‘wolf’ when the aspirant might indeed have used her sexuality to advance her career and now sees a chance to get back at bad treatment she may have subsequently experienced.

Those who are guilty should indeed be called out and punished.  However, with so many women now coming out of the woodwork, how to distinguish between the real victims and those who might conceivably be seeking revenge for being slighted at one time could be a bit of a minefield.

Indeed, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Just a thought..

What is it about power that so goes to people’s heads that they think they are invincible??  Don’t they realise that what goes up must come down??  It is rumoured that when the early Caesars were celebrating their Triumphs, a slave stood behind them, murmuring ‘ Remember, Caesar, thou art but mortal’ or words to this effect… (however, I haven’t been able to track down an actual source for this phrase;  could merely be an urban legend)..

And now, as we begin 2019, the USA faces a continuing partial government shut-down – including freezing a federal pay increase (actually, not a totally bad thing;  many government employees actually earn far more than many of their counterparts in the private sector – some of whom contribute to their company’s bottom line).   All the while, the petulant child rants and raves on Twitter about the Democrats’ refusal to ‘negotiate’ (in Trump parlance, this actually means cave in) – even though he had earlier intimidated that he would be taking responsibility for a shut-down.  As usual, his short-term memory forgets this rather important consideration. 

He is so fixated by his bloody wall that he is prepared to cause a lot of grief to a lot of people – no matter what the cost. (And for all those people who think that he is keeping a campaign promise; what happened to ‘Mexico is going to pay for the wall’??) !! What a prick..

Interestingly, haven’t heard too much more about the right-wing loony who has purportedly raised over $10 billion (maybe more) from private donors (idiots) to go towards funding the wall.  Even though this person is a US Vet (a three-time amputee), he is still a right-wing nutter.

Dark forces do indeed abound;  let’s hope that 2019 – being a Universal 3 year – will see a change for the better and that the forces of light prevail. 

Oh Brave New World.

If only…

Feeling Nostalgic..

A complete change of subject..

Don’t know why, but the other day, I got the urge to go back in time and re-read some of my favourite childhood books.

So, pootled off to the Library and borrowed the ‘Little Women’ compendium.  (My own copies are still at my ex-husband’s house – in God knows what condition nowadays;  they’ve been boxed up in an outdoor environment since before we got married).

It’s really nice to wallow in nostalgia and recollect some of the reasons why I like these books so much.  Innocence and a moral compass –without being unduly sanctimonious and prudish – although nowadays, cynics would probably think the author rather naive.  Nevertheless, it is rather refreshing to read narrative that doesn’t focus on sex and actually appeals to one’s emotions in a healthy way..

 In particular, I like the fact that some of the books I read when I was a child / teenager featured boys and girls who, while (maybe) being ‘ignorant’ about sex and sexuality were, in many areas, far more advanced educationally (not to mention more resourceful) than their many of their counterparts today. 

Very refreshing..

And, maybe I’m not the only person taking a trip back in time;  I have to now hurry and finish reading because the compendium has a ‘hold’ notice on it.  Or maybe a teenager wishes to read it.. 

What is wrong with America today?

Read an article on-line the other  day about a black woman who was singled out at a Dunkin’ Donuts franchise in Virginia (well, there’s a surprise) for apparently not buying a coffee before utilising the free Wi-Fi there.

Three words: Bloody DONALD TRUMP..!!!   He needs to go…

Naturally, one isn’t privy to the actual situation and has to rely on videos and the lady’s own version of the story.

What shocked me (although, having lived here for quite a few years, I shouldn’t be) were the nasty, vitriolic comments posted by so many ignorant, reptilian, primitive-brained peasants.  And yes, I accept that by classifying these people as such, I lay myself open to being described as intolerant myself.   Which I am – in many instances..

It may well be that the person concerned – and who posted the video on-line – made a racist issue out of an incident that was not actually so.  However, she came across as educated and her tone was not confrontational (unlike so many who do play the ‘race’ card without being justified).

And, if what she alleged was true, then racism is once again rearing its very ugly head more and more in this country.  Not that it ever really went away.

However, since the present incumbent of the White House took office, long-simmering and long-suppressed hatreds are now becoming much more everyday events.

Donald Trump is an ignorant moron (oxymoron ? – probably not) who has managed to attain the highest position in this country – because  …???

Some of the electorate are beyond stupid.  It is truly sad that many of their forefathers may have fought to get the privilege to vote when their descendants (a) sometimes don’t even exercise this right and (b) if, they even bother to do so, don’t actually understand what they are doing..


Probably because the vast majorityof the population (even intelligent people) spend an inordinate amount of time perusing social media and having their opinions and viewpoints shaped for them.  Instead of actively dissecting what they hear & read (due diligence anyone?),  many people believe that they are ‘informed’  because they keep abreast of so-called current events.

Makes me wonder how any work ever gets done nowadays.

I digress.

Living in the Last Days..??

If I were a practising Christian (thankfully, I’m not), I’d be inclined to believe that we are actually living in the last days – as written in Revelation.

I currently live in Northern California which once again, is suffering badly with horrendous fires.  Southern California is also experiencing pretty horrible fires and showing that Mother Nature doesn’t discriminate when she gets angry;  some very famous people have lost their homes.  (Mind you, most of them are lucky enough to have other residences elsewhere)..

Across the nation, parts of the States are expecting relatively early and heavy snowfalls and some of the east coast states are still reeling from the aftermath of this season’s hurricanes.

Meanwhile, the rest of the world – hasn’t gone unscathed either.  Flooding in France, a heat-wave in the UK, earthquakes et al in the Far East..

So – what is going on?

Climate change or just Planet Earth’s usual weather patterns being exacerbated because of mankind’s polluting interference with the atmosphere.  And too many people overall?  Squished into spaces that cannot sustain them – while there are still great swathes of the planet with no people and scant wild-life;  sadly, these are largely uninhabitable.

Having said this, I honestly believe that there is no reason for anyone ever to go hungry;  just consider the amount of food that is wasted and thrown away every day in the Western World.

Disgusting.  (A topic to be expanded upon another time).

Currently, I give thanks every morning that I am able to wake up in my bed – although I have got my emergency rucksack by the front door (+ cat carrier), essential documentation in another bag and a suitcase for my laptop.   Where I’d be able to charge it up if required is another matter..

Not to mention that, with a disability (bloody hip) and no car, actually getting away might just be a tad tricky…   To be burned to death must be one of the most horrible ways to go..

As for that fucking arse-hole tweeting away about how it’s California’s fault – when it is Federal funding (lack thereof and / or mismanagement of monies) that is some of the issue.  Still, the California authorities have most definitely been complacent in a lot of areas;  too many bloody jobs-worthies around and not enough proper civic engagement and accountability..

Why, oh why – and how – is Donald Trump still in power?

And, as for that disaster across the pond; why hasn’t she gone yet? Blew a perfectly good majority by calling an unnecessary election and now making a real pig’s ear about Brexit.

Overall, many countries nowadays are being governed (I use the term loosely) by incompetent idiots at best and deranged , corrupt lunatics at the other end of the spectrum.

I wonder when / where things will end..??

PS. The Democrats took the House; however, some misguided voters ensured that the Republicans still hold sway in the Senate..

A House Divided…


Two days to go to what might be an even more important election than when Barak Obama went up against George Bush in 2008.

Since his election, the WH fat fart has presided over an ever-growing rift amongst many sectors of the American people;  in fact he has actually encouraged this division.  To be fair, this rift has probably always been there; just that the veneer of ‘civilisation’ and an increasing awareness of human rights has sort of papered over the cracks for many years.

Nowadays though, this rift is turning into a very nasty crevasse.

The events of the past few weeks have shocked a lot of people across America (and the rest of the world) as well as stoking the grievances of those Americans who feel that they are hard done by.

And their Illustrious Leader (I jest, of course), continues to make a bad situation worse.

The Republican Party (under which aegis the caricature operates – even though he is actually only out for the party of Donald Trump) ought to be thoroughly ashamed of themselves for allowing the situation to have got this far.  However, because so many of them hated Obama and because so many of them are also the worst kind of capitalist, they have gone along with his juvenile behaviour and utterances to serve their own nefarious purposes.

Not that the Democrats are really in a position of moral superiority either.

Between their sometimes ill-thought out policies (I use the latter word advisedly), and the backing from the unions (who can be just as money-grabbing as the worst Republicans – except that they usually take from the very people they’re supposed to help), the American people are caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.

And, talking of the Devil, I can’t even begin to understand the motives of that bunch of sanctimonious, bloody hypocrites known as evangelical Christians.  They make me want to throw up.

Ergo, come Tuesday, will the battle lines be drawn? Or, will a miracle happen and common sense and a desire for peace prevail?

Fake News…

I’m going to be making a HUGE effort in the future to cut back on my rants about the lunatic currently running the USA.  This is because I’ve been re-reading ‘The Science of Getting Rich’ (Wallace Wattles).  To be elaborated upon in another post.

However …

Repressive regimes world-wide must be rejoicing at the continual attacks that the current, deranged occupant of the WH keeps making against anyone who criticises him – and his actions.  Which, as I have mentioned previously, is a bit bloody rich coming from someone who has mastered the technique of deliberately sowing confusion and who has also taken the ‘art’ of lying to new low depths.

Mind you, with so much misinformation about nowadays it behoves all of us to check our sources.  We also need to remember that much of what we see on TV / the internet is usually carefully edited and doesn’t necessarily show the full picture (pun not intended).

Ditto likewise for what we read in hard copy;  whatever happened to reporters who used to check their sources before sending anything through to print..??

Wouldn’t it be great, though, if even just for one day, the current ‘enemy of the (American) people’ refused to publish anything that this wanna-be dictator tweeted or issued through normal press channels..??  Wonder if he’d still complain about ‘fake news’ if there was nothing to report??

Oh well, Inga, dream on.  Maybe soon, I’ll look up and see those little piggies flying across the sky… 

Fourth of July

It’s Independence Day in the United States – a day to celebrate freedoms and liberty.

However, Donald Trump is still in the White House.

The man is a JACKASS.  Although I’ve used this term about him before, it is possibly the least obnoxious word I can think of to describe the narcissistic prick whom, quite frankly I believe is the 21st century equivalent of Benedict Arnold.

Donald Trump is neither a Patriot nor a Republican; he is only out for himself and his own selfish agenda.  His so-called supporters hang on to his coat-tails – not because he is a likeable person (understatement of the year) but because of their own, nasty vested interests and sod the rest of us..!!  They aren’t Republicans either;  they merely congregate under that name for convenience.

Far from uniting America (Making America Great Again – yeah right), this bumptious, bombastic idiot has managed (although not quite yet succeeded, thank goodness) to polarise great swathes of the American population – to their detriment.

As for those narrow-minded, smug bastards who like to call themselves Christians in the United States, there is only one word for them that will suffice – HYPOCRITES.

Were Jesus Christ to return today – preaching his message of love et al – they would fall on him like a ton of bricks and denounce him as a ‘leftist hippy’ – while ignoring the fact that JC’s words could also be quite stern and severe on occasion.

Donald Trump would probably like to create a dictatorship, stifle freedom of speech and silence anyone who disagrees with him;  just look at his tirades about the so-called fake media.  A bit bloody much – considering that he is one of the biggest liars around in today’s political arena..  (Unfortunately, the Democrats can be just as bad when it comes to accepting the principle of freedom of speech, so no joy there, either)..

Donald Trump is a MENACE.

As long as he remains in power, the Republic of America is in acute danger.



Pets and in this case, men..

(Was originally going to post something completely different; oh well, maybe another time)..

So, I recently finished reading M C Beaton’s latest Hamish MacBeth book (Death of an Honest Man) – and, as usual, I flipped right through to the end to see if I really wished to read it all the way through;   I know, I know – sad.

Mind you, this process does help to eliminate those books that are a complete waste of time (no matter how hard you persevere)..   viz, there are most definitely some books that do NOT merit being read at all – while others make you realise that you really do need to read them; the twists and turns making them all so worthwhile.   And then, you get to the end and possibly experience withdrawal symptoms – because the storyline was so good…

However, I digress…

At the end of the book, Elspeth decides not to marry Hamish – because of his cat..!!!   (Although to be fair, it is a wild cat and maybe not quite as cuddly and cute as the usual domestic moggie). 🙂

Still..  I ask you..

A woman (or man) being threatened by their other half’s love for his / her animal.   Really..??

Having said this, I do draw the line at snakes and other, slithery creatures – and I’m not that keen on tarantulas either..

Seriously?  Jealous of a four-legged creature..?

I’d hypothesise that the person experiencing the jealousy (possibly a symptom of insecurity) is the one with the problem and who is therefore the one who needs to look within.

Unless you are allergic to or have a genuine phobia about animals (in this instance cats), if I were your fiancée / fiancé, I’d be the one taking a good, long hard look at you – and asking myself if I really wished to shack up with you for the duration..

Makes me ask the question:  relationships.  What are they actually all about? Strikes me that most of us don’t have a bloody clue..   We live in cloud-cuckoo fairy land and don’t like to have to deal with reality..

Yet, being an pragmatic romantic, I do still believe that there is such a thing as true, pure love..

If your essential core values don’t coincide, then why would you even contemplate being with this person..??  Not to mention little, itsy bitsy qualities like respect – and, actually LIKING your future partner..

Oh, silly me;  I was forgetting.

A lot of people – even today in the Western World (I’m not even touching the subject of arranged scenarios) – regard marriage as a business proposition..