Free markets – yeah right… !!

What an idiot..!!

For once, I’m not talking about the jackass in the White House.  Although – see later on in this post..

What on earth was he thinking?  If he really does mean what he says, then he has just confirmed to a great part of the American population (not to mention the rest of the world) just how bigoted and nasty the Republican Party can be..  Perhaps showing their true colours;  right-wing dictatorship anyone…??

For someone who could be supposed to believe in the concept of a free market, fancy trying to use your political status as a weapon to threaten a company that employs a hell of a lot of people in your state.  The NRA’s stance on gun control checks is absolutely unbelievable and you are whingeing about the loss of a travel discount – really..??  On which planet are all you morons living…???

Casey Cagle;  you are a disgrace and an embarrassment.  Such a wanker..  Let’s hope enough of the Georgia electorate scupper his attempts to become Governor of their state..

I despair.  Truly..

And now back to bloody Donald Trump.

Using the guise of the Republican banner, Donald Trump has managed to unite some of the worst (most extreme) of their adherents under a thinly-disguised veil of patriotism..  Patriotism – ha..!!  More like, let’s go back to the slave-trade days and see who’s the ‘massa’ now…

I also wonder if that hate-spewing bitch – Rosemary Pennington – and yes, this is an insult to female animals that are known by this term – is still publishing her crap.  OMG..   If anyone is sub-human, it is she..

However – and it is just a thoughtette – supposing she doesn’t really exist…??  Supposing ‘she’ is just an troll (or whatever the term nowadays might be for a non-existent persona)..  And, as such is really part of the ‘fake news’ phenomenon so beloved of the prick in the White House (who, incidentally, is one of the biggest purveyors of fake news around)…

All you need is love…

Oh how true;  if only we humans really understood what love is, then the world would surely be a happier place..

Valentine’s Day is once again upon us and ‘love is in the air’.  Sad to say, though, most of what we see, hear and read about with regard to Valentine’s Day is really nothing more than marketing hype – promoted largely by retailers;  any excuse to improve their bottom line.    Not to mention that much of the time, this ‘love’ is actually the narrower, carnal desire that is so often no more than base, sexual attraction – disguised as ‘romantic’..  No wonder so many relationships go wrong;  and these are just those that have their foundation on lust..

People are conned into spending money unnecessarily – all in the name of – ahem – love and romance – and a lot of the human race is made to feel inadequate if they’re alone and / or their relationship isn’t the idyllic state of affairs portrayed by great swathes of the media.

However, nowadays, I’m so unaffected by all the hype – and really contented to feel this way – at last…

I look back with some incredulity to all those years I spent hoping for a really romantic gesture from the current ‘squeeze’ – when I had one, that is. …  What bliss it is to feel virtually immune to the love ‘bug’ and treat 14th-February as just another day – albeit one to avoid restaurants and other venues promoting ‘happy’ couples;  although I did treat myself to a lovely, gooey, chocolate cup-cake for breakfast…  🙂

Not that love is an emotion that should be scorned.

Far from it.

We humans could all do with really loving each other – in the true sense of the word – see first paragraph.  However, having said this, I have to be honest and say that yours truly doesn’t really know / understand what real love is and I don’t suppose that many of us do either.  Hence all the crap masquerading as love and currently affecting the planet on this day in such a crass format..

Oh well…

Happy Valentine’s Day..   🙂


It’s nearly February already…

…. eeek!!!  Where has this month gone?

It’s already nearly February and what has happened to the time-line for my goals?

Well, not a lot..

Have managed to advance a bit – on the lines of one step forward and two backwards..   Although it’s not much of an excuse, in fairness, my hips have been giving me a lot of grief, so had to adapt some of my plans accordingly.  Constant pain is very enervating and can be very demoralising..

Had two interviews for jobs that, had they been presented at an earlier stage in my US temping ‘career’ would have been very interesting.  However, even though I’d have liked to have been offered them (on principle), I realised that actually, I didn’t wish the stress or even this kind of work anymore.  Being in a support role no longer appeals.

Temping in the States is a very different animal from the UK:  one actually has to be interviewed for what they call a ‘contract’ position;  not quite what I understand by temping – with one week here, a couple of weeks there or maybe even a month.

Spending a lot of time in bed – with my laptop – has forced me to think about what I actually wish to do with the rest of my life (however long this might be).  Not to mention, I need a decent income.  Bad financial decisions earlier in my life have left me less than secure money-wise and, my pensions don’t really cover anything other than  basic expenses.  Mind you, my UK health insurance premium is a killer..

Now focusing on working for myself;  just wish I knew at what.  Sometimes being a Jill of all Trades is a serious disadvantage…

So, this wasn’t quite the post I was going to write, but never mind..

Sometimes, the words just tumble out spontaneously.




If you think you’re too small to make a difference..

…. you obviously haven’t been in bed with a mosquito…

Between the Ag-Chemical companies, Big Pharma and the Food Manufacturing Industry – including some sections of the Farming Industry- our health nowadays is often severely compromised.  In fact, I would go so far as to say that in many instances, we are actually being slowly poisoned.. And, in the Western World, the medical model used to treat diseases et al is now outdated, with the result that many suggested treatments – instead of helping us – are often actually detrimental to our well-being.

These industries fund studies that are flawed and omit any mention of harmful side-effects, thereby lulling people into a false sense of security.

And, in today’s world, with the sheer volume of information being available and so much of it being false, it is hard to know whom to believe, so the big conglomerates get away with lying to the population at large.  Not helped by so many people’s attention spans being incredibly short nowadays.

What is of particular concern, however, is the fact that the aforementioned industries are doing their best to cover up their dubious activities. Worse, they are often working hard behind the scenes not only to suppress any exposure of their nefarious practices, but discredit those who bring their actions to public attention.

However, there are still many individuals and organisations that are prepared to fight against this corruption and are working hard to publicise what is actually going on.  They need our support, so whenever possible, let us help them;  often, all we need to do is to sign a petition.  Numbers DO matter and change CAN be effected if enough people create that ‘tipping point’.


Arianna Huffington’s new app…

So much for my New Year’s Resolution to post more regularly..

Addiction takes many forms..  And, in today’s society, it is telling that Ariana Huffington has deemed it necessary to have worked with Samsung to develop an app to deal with smart phone addiction.  (Even though I’ve finally succumbed and now got a smart phone, it is only because I’m starting a network marketing business that is mainly phone-based and has two apps that I can’t download to my flip phone)…

What is wrong with people today?  Can’t they think for themselves any more??  Why are so many obsessed with Facebook and what their friends / acquaintances are doing??  Don’t they have a life?  Or are they so stimulation-derived that they have keep tabs on what others are doing virtually every minute of the day in order to feel that they are alive?

Why do people feel the need to post photos of their activities all the time – many of which are actually mind-numbingly boring and uninspiring and / or post inane comments as well.  Is it a sub-conscious desire to be famous?

Hardly surprising that identity-theft is on the rise – not to mention burglaries.  What do people expect – when they post their holiday photos on-line..

I just don’t get it.

Probably because I’m an anachronism in so many ways..

Is there light at the end of the tunnel?

Hopefully, it’s only going to be a matter of time before the self-seeking, trump-et blows himself into oblivion – and not us.

Let us pray that when this happy time comes, it occurs before this blithering and deranged idiot can do more damage to America’s reputation.

His statements – if these can even be deemed as such – are hardly those of an educated / cultured person.    And, what self-respecting person would consider a ‘tweet’ an appropriate way for a head of state to communicate his views?

Unfortunately, his sound-bite approach is a sad reflection of much of today’s attention-challenged society in which so many people, with an incredibly limited vocabulary, are also unable to articulate clearly.   Speaking an intelligible sentence is often beyond their capability.

Donald Trump is such an embarrassment that I fail to understand how so many more Americans don’t cringe visibly every time he opens his mouth.  Mind you, a lot do;  it’s just that his hard-core supporters – many of whom are still filling his coffers – fall into the category of imbeciles.

Well, what else can you call them…  ???

And, frighteningly, they have votes.

Didn’t really think he’d get elected…

All the fuss about the psychiatrists weighing in about Trump’s mental condition.. As though medical diagnoses haven’t ever been attempted remotely before..

Why shouldn’t these chaps (maybe women as well) have their two pennyworth about Trump?  It isn’t as though he he has behaved in a particularly rational manner anyway..

two spoilt brats – with the unfortunate potential to devastate our planet

(still haven’t yet worked out how to insert this image directly – despite having done a search as to how to;  why do I find Word Press so difficult)???

Just over two months..

Donald Trump:  deluded, deranged, a complete moron – what a wanker..

I just don’t understand why thousands of Americans still seem to believe that this petulant ‘village idiot’ is so wonderful.  On which planet are they living, I wonder – or are they on something that makes them unable to see and / or understand what is actually going on..??

He inflames his supporters’ so-called ‘patriotism’ with hollow, jingoistic language that deceives nobody with a modicum of intelligence..  Out of interest, just what does ‘making America great again’ really mean and when, exactly, is America actually supposed to have been great??

Maybe some of his appeal is because of the way he often chooses to ‘communicate’ – taking to Twitter, for example, instead of going a more conventional route – like, for example, holding a press conference.  The instant information age has created an impatient society that doesn’t appear to have the time – or even desire – to verify facts;  sadly, for great swathes of population, lies have become the norm and are accepted as truth and even worse, appear to be acceptable.  Where will it all end?

Conclusion:  maybe many of the Trump’s grass-root supporters really are stupid – as opposed to those who align with him for their own, sinister and nefarious reasons..

And, why do so many Trumpists think that everyone who opposes him has to be a leftie, socialist or liberal?

While I can’t stand Donald Trump, I don’t care for Hillary either.  My own political views can veer from one extreme end of the spectrum – think to the right of Genghis Khan – to a rosy pink at the other;  it all depends on the specific issue.

PS.  He didn’t get his repeal of the AFC through either…

A thought..

He married two such people.

However, Donald Trump ( and others of his ilk) – seems to have forgotten that America was built through immigrants – including his own forebears.   What is also forgotten – very conveniently – is the fact that some of those immigrants were brought here against their will…

Dig deep enough and I’ll bet that many of his red-neck supporters’ roots also originate overseas – and within one hundred years or so..

Meant for November 2016 – post-election..

I was going to post this originally on 9 November, but life got in the way.  You know how that is..

The Unthinkable Has Actually Happened…

Great swathes of the American population really are dumb…  !!!

The new President-Elect is nothing short of a border-line, racist, misogynistic socio-psychopath whose election will set America’s international standing back by years.  Uncouth, unpolished and unable to brook any form of criticism / opposition;  this does not bode well for future international relationships.

Haven’t heard a squeak from him about this election being rigged and neither has he called for a re-assessment – now that he has won.  Somehow, I don’t think he’ll be doing so..  (although subsequent reports indicate that he still – erroneously – believes in voter fraud)..

The only possible ‘good’ thing to come out of this very sorry affair is the fact that, rather like Brexit, the votes for Donald Trump have shaken up the very complacent (political) establishment.

Although whether this will actually produce any good, tangible and lasting result is another matter entirely and the status quo will probably end up as more of the ‘same old, same old’..

If he really wishes to isolate America from the rest of the world, well, let’s hope that he’ll also stop American interference in arenas where it has no business to be.  Unfortunately, because money talks – and very loudly – in the States, this will probably not be a viable option.

So far, his choice of potential cabinet members – or whatever they call his advisers over here – doesn’t look too promising.  Some rabid right-wingers and possible nepotism where his family is concerned;  a family that, like their father doesn’t appear to have any political experience whatsoever.  However, to a country seemingly obsessed by ‘reality stars’ and celebrity status. minor details like actual ability to govern and quality of diplomacy when dealing with heads of states are, apparently, of no consequence.

Let’s all hope that the future isn’t as bleak as I am currently feeling it will be..

And, now (briefly) on to Brexit..

Despite the farter’s (the President-Elect of the USA – now sadly, President) unfortunate endorsement of Brexit, I really don’t understand why so many people in Britain continue to think that remaining in the unwieldy behemoth that currently comprises the EU is a good thing.  Yes, free movement of trade is definitely a positive;  however, weighed against the stifling bureaucracy of Brussels – not to mention the increasingly stringent regulations and laws emerging from that city – it is definitely a good thing that we are leaving.

Indeed, we should never have turned our backs on the Commonwealth countries so readily.  Except that from what I understand, we weren’t able to trade with them freely once we joined the then EEC – all because of directives coming out of Brussels that prevented us from doing so.  Not helped by British civil servants’ and jobworthies’ willingness to implement these new rules and regulations with gusto.

So unlike many of their European counterparts – especially those in France – who often merely appeared to embrace whatever directive was being issued – when it suited them – and when it didn’t, gave a  typical Gallic shrug (or whatever their nationality deemed to express indifference) and went on doing exactly what they had always done.

At least now – if it isn’t too late – we can start to open up avenues of communication again with our erstwhile trading partners once more and hopefully, find some new ones..