17 January 2017 – On the Countdown..

Already just over half-way through the first month of what could be a very turbulent year world-wide, let alone in the States..

Only a couple more days to go before that ghastly buffoon takes office in the White House – God Help Us All..

How can he possibly talk about making America great again when he is making this country a laughing stock (and worse) in the eyes of much of the rest of the world.  His picks for government posts so far are – with one or two possible exceptions a bloody joke – not to mention nepotism (so I won’t).

However, because this is a New Year – albeit a Number One year – I have decided that in order to move my life forward in a more positive direction, I’m going to be working assiduously on being a kinder and more compassionate person – instead of reacting with anger to so many issues..  Not to say that constructive anger doesn’t have a place in our lives;  when it galvanises us into taking positive action to get away from / change circumstances that have become intolerable, this is a positive. However, the anger that the world is currently experiencing in so many places is very destructive.  This kind of anger only feeds on itself and gets magnified into drawing us into an ever increasing downward spiral.

Therefore – even looking at what lies ahead – Donald Trump really should be pitied – rather than reviled.  According to Ainslie Macleod, Trump is a young soul – operating from a position of fear – as are many of his supporters – who are also young souls.  However, in Trump’s case, Ainslie believes that Trump is almost beyond the pale – with possible dire consequences for our planet.

All the old souls currently inhabiting our Earth should work together to reflect those spiritual values that they’ve learned over many life-times;  if each of them does so, this will help to deflect a lot of the negativity that surrounds us on a daily basis.

Old souls also need to be active in their efforts and not remain as passive bystanders;  and yes, this does sometimes mean standing up for those timeless values that transcend current, prevailing fashions – even at the risk of being shouted down and / or vilified.

In addition, because human beings are – amongst other things – a jumble of electrical impulses, we do affect (and are also affected) by everyone with whom we come into contact – even if we don’t realise this on a conscious level..

As within, so without;  our outer world really does reflect what we’re feeling / thinking about constantly, so doesn’t it make sense to choose harmonious thoughts and feelings?  If we constantly check in to these feelings and thoughts, we should then be able to be more objective about our emotions and observe them dispassionately.  We’ll then be better able to choose our reactions to any given scenario instead of reacting automatically – and often adversely  – in a knee-jerk fashion.

Hopefully, we’ll choose understanding and tolerance over anger and resentment..