
Okay, so I’m deviating from my intention to be a nicer person.  Definitely working on this – although it could take some time..

The man is stark, raving bonkers…!!  Apart from announcing that he plans to go ahead with building a wall along the border with Mexico, the lunatic has now said that there will be a 90-day ban on entry into the States for citizens of seven different (Muslim) countries – even if they are green-card holders.  As for refugees – many of whom are severely traumatised in the first place –  the ban is even longer..  Yet he has no problem opening businesses in some Muslim countries when it suits him..

Chaos at USA airports and airports world-wide..

Trump patently can’t see that he is playing right into the hands of the terrorists and really harming America.   Yet he still has supporters who cannot – apparently – comprehend just what an idiot they elected.  Their belief (amongst others) that he is a ‘successful’ businessman doesn’t stand up to close scrutiny – despite the pathetic PR attempts to portray him as such.  However, when  things deteriorate – as they must if he remains in power – they will nevertheless find some way to justify their position.  Nero fiddling comes to mind…

What is really scary, though, is that Trump is starting to behave more like a dictator than the head of a country that purports to espouse ‘democracy’ – even though this term is actually misunderstood by many people.   Particularly because America was founded as a republic..

He continues to vilify the media that, actually really aren’t too great in the States anyway.  From my perspective, he is doing his best to muzzle freedom of speech in America even more than it has been in the past.  Probably because the media over here largely tend to dance to the tune of the owners of the conglomerates that own them.  With his attempts to manipulate what is reported –ref the awful Conway woman with her ‘alternative facts’ (read David Baldacci’s ‘The Whole Truth’ / ‘perception management’), his dreadful White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer and his ultra-sensitivity to adverse criticism, Donald Trump is in danger of becoming totally paranoid.  I take this back;  he already is paranoid..

Make America great again?  With these policies, diktats and his own, conflicting business interests?  Are you bloody joking???

*  He has apparently now backed down from banning those UK passport holders who have dual citizenship in some of his ‘no-go’ countries.  What a mess…