Arianna Huffington’s new app…

So much for my New Year’s Resolution to post more regularly..

Addiction takes many forms..  And, in today’s society, it is telling that Ariana Huffington has deemed it necessary to have worked with Samsung to develop an app to deal with smart phone addiction.  (Even though I’ve finally succumbed and now got a smart phone, it is only because I’m starting a network marketing business that is mainly phone-based and has two apps that I can’t download to my flip phone)…

What is wrong with people today?  Can’t they think for themselves any more??  Why are so many obsessed with Facebook and what their friends / acquaintances are doing??  Don’t they have a life?  Or are they so stimulation-derived that they have keep tabs on what others are doing virtually every minute of the day in order to feel that they are alive?

Why do people feel the need to post photos of their activities all the time – many of which are actually mind-numbingly boring and uninspiring and / or post inane comments as well.  Is it a sub-conscious desire to be famous?

Hardly surprising that identity-theft is on the rise – not to mention burglaries.  What do people expect – when they post their holiday photos on-line..

I just don’t get it.

Probably because I’m an anachronism in so many ways..