If you think you’re too small to make a difference..

…. you obviously haven’t been in bed with a mosquito…

Between the Ag-Chemical companies, Big Pharma and the Food Manufacturing Industry – including some sections of the Farming Industry- our health nowadays is often severely compromised.  In fact, I would go so far as to say that in many instances, we are actually being slowly poisoned.. And, in the Western World, the medical model used to treat diseases et al is now outdated, with the result that many suggested treatments – instead of helping us – are often actually detrimental to our well-being.

These industries fund studies that are flawed and omit any mention of harmful side-effects, thereby lulling people into a false sense of security.

And, in today’s world, with the sheer volume of information being available and so much of it being false, it is hard to know whom to believe, so the big conglomerates get away with lying to the population at large.  Not helped by so many people’s attention spans being incredibly short nowadays.

What is of particular concern, however, is the fact that the aforementioned industries are doing their best to cover up their dubious activities. Worse, they are often working hard behind the scenes not only to suppress any exposure of their nefarious practices, but discredit those who bring their actions to public attention.

However, there are still many individuals and organisations that are prepared to fight against this corruption and are working hard to publicise what is actually going on.  They need our support, so whenever possible, let us help them;  often, all we need to do is to sign a petition.  Numbers DO matter and change CAN be effected if enough people create that ‘tipping point’.