It’s nearly February already…

…. eeek!!!  Where has this month gone?

It’s already nearly February and what has happened to the time-line for my goals?

Well, not a lot..

Have managed to advance a bit – on the lines of one step forward and two backwards..   Although it’s not much of an excuse, in fairness, my hips have been giving me a lot of grief, so had to adapt some of my plans accordingly.  Constant pain is very enervating and can be very demoralising..

Had two interviews for jobs that, had they been presented at an earlier stage in my US temping ‘career’ would have been very interesting.  However, even though I’d have liked to have been offered them (on principle), I realised that actually, I didn’t wish the stress or even this kind of work anymore.  Being in a support role no longer appeals.

Temping in the States is a very different animal from the UK:  one actually has to be interviewed for what they call a ‘contract’ position;  not quite what I understand by temping – with one week here, a couple of weeks there or maybe even a month.

Spending a lot of time in bed – with my laptop – has forced me to think about what I actually wish to do with the rest of my life (however long this might be).  Not to mention, I need a decent income.  Bad financial decisions earlier in my life have left me less than secure money-wise and, my pensions don’t really cover anything other than  basic expenses.  Mind you, my UK health insurance premium is a killer..

Now focusing on working for myself;  just wish I knew at what.  Sometimes being a Jill of all Trades is a serious disadvantage…

So, this wasn’t quite the post I was going to write, but never mind..

Sometimes, the words just tumble out spontaneously.